Mar 5, 2016


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Report Text

 Hasil gambar untuk teks report

Report atau laporan adalah teksyang memberikan informasi tentang sesuatu.

Teks report disusun sebagai hasil pengamatan atau analisis yang sistematis.

Ciri-ciri teks report yaitu :
  • Menjelaskan sesuatu secara umum
  • Menggunakan present tense
Penguins  are a group of flightless aquatic birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, particularly in Antarctica. Highly adaptive to live in the sea, penguins have countershaded dark and white feather, and their wings have evolved into flippers. Most penguins feed squid, fish, and other forms of sealife caught while they are swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives in the oceans.

Eventhough all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they don not live only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a little species of penguin live too far south. Some species are found in the temperate area, and one species, the Galápagos penguin, lives not too far with the equator.

The vast living species is the emperor penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri): when they are adults they are about 1.1 m (3 ft 7 in) tall and 35 kg weight or more. The smallest one is the little blue penguin (Eudyptula minor), which is known as the fairy penguin, which stands around 40 cm height and 1 kg weight. Among the species of penguin, larger penguins live in colder regions, while smaller penguins generally inhabit tropical climates places. Some prehistoric species of penguin attained enormous sizes, becoming as heavy as an adult human.

Perbedaan teks report dengan descriptive sebagai berikut.

Kedua macam teks ini mempunyai struktur yang mirip. Keduanya sama-sama memberikan penjelasan yang rinci mengenai sesuatu. Namun teks report menjelaskan sesuatu secara umum, sementara teks descriptive menjelaskan sesuatu yang lebih spesifik.


Label adalah keterangan yang terdapat di luar kemasan sebuah produk.

Label produk biasanya berisi keterangan mengenai keunggulan produk, petunjuk penggunaan, komposisi produk, dan indikasi.

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Narrative Text

Narrative adalah jenis teks yang menceritakan yang menceritakan suatu kisah pada pembaca dan bertujuan untuk menghibur.

Ada banyak jenis teks narasi, antara lain cerpen dan novel. Narasi juga dapat diceritakan secara lisan, seperti cerita yang sering kamu dengar di radio, CD, atau kaset.

Orang yang menceritakan narasi disebut narator (narrator)

Ciri-ciri teks narasi yaitu :
  • Terdapat konflik yang dihadapi tokohnya
  • Beberapa cerita seperti fabel mengandung pesan moral yang dituliskan di akhir cerita ataupun diungkapkan secara tersirat.
  • Disusun dalam past tense. Namun, direct speech di dalamnya menggunakan present tense, misalnya "You know my name," said Amelia.
 Beauty and The Beast
Once upon a time as a merchant set off for market, he asked each of his three daughters what she would like as a present on his return. The first daughter wanted a brocade dress, the second a pearl necklace, but the third, whose name was Beauty, the youngest, prettiest and sweetest of them all, said to her father:  
"All I'd like is a rose you've picked specially for me!"   

When the merchant had finished his business, he set off for home. However, a sudden storm blew up, and his horse could hardly make headway in the howling gale. Cold and weary, the merchant had lost all hope of reaching an inn when he suddenly noticed a bright light shining in the middle of a wood. As he drew near, he saw that it was a castle, bathed in light.   
"I hope I'll find shelter there for the night," he said to himself. 

When he reached the door, he saw it was open, but though he shouted, nobody came to greet him. Plucking up courage, he went inside, still calling out to attract attention. On a table in the main hall, a splendid dinner lay already served. The merchant lingered, still shouting for the owner of the castle. But no one came, and so the starving merchant sat down to a hearty meal.  
Overcome by curiosity, he ventured upstairs, where the corridor led into magnificent rooms and halls. A fire crackled in the first room and a soft bed looked very inviting. It was now late, and the merchant could not resist. He lay down on the bed and fell fast asleep. 

When he woke next morning, an unknown hand had placed a mug of steaming coffee and some fruit by his bedside.  The merchant had breakfast and after tidying himself up, went downstairs to thank his generous host. But, as on the evening before, there was nobody in sight. Shaking his head in wonder at the strangeness of it all, he went towards the garden where he had left his horse, tethered to a tree. 

Suddenly, a large rose bush caught his eye.  Remembering his promise to Beauty, he bent down to pick a rose. Instantly, out of the rose garden, sprang a horrible beast, wearing splendid clothes. Two bloodshot eyes, gleaming angrily, glared at him and a deep, terrifying voice growled: 

"Ungrateful man! I gave you shelter, you ate at my table and slept in my own bed, but now all the thanks I get is the theft of my favorite flowers! I shall put you to death for this slight!" 

Trembling with fear, the merchant fell on his knees before the Beast.  "Forgive me! Forgive me! Don't kill me! I'll do anything you say! The rose wasn't for me, it was for my daughter Beauty. I promised to bring her back a rose from my journey!" 

The Beast dropped the paw it had clamped on the unhappy merchant.   

"I shall spare your life, but on one condition, that you bring me your daughter!" The terror-stricken merchant, faced with certain death if he did not obey, promised that he would do so. When he reached home in tears, his three daughters ran to greet him. After he had told them of his dreadful adventure, Beauty put his mind at rest immediately.
"Dear father, I'd do anything for you! Don't worry, you'll be able to keep your promise and save your life! Take me to the castle. I'll stay there in your place!" The merchant hugged his daughter.  

"I never did doubt your love for me. For the moment I can only thank you for saving my life." So Beauty was led to the castle. The Beast, however, had quite an unexpected greeting for the girl. Instead of menacing doom as it had done with her father, it was surprisingly pleasant.  
In the beginning, Beauty was frightened of the Beast, and shuddered at the sight of it. Then she found that, in spite of the monster's awful head, her horror of it was gradually fading as time went by. 

She had one of the finest rooms in the Castle, and sat for hours, embroidering in front of the fire. And the Beast would sit, for hours on end, only a short distance away, silently gazing at her. Then it started to say a few kind words, till in the end, Beauty was amazed to discover that she was actually enjoying its conversation. The days passed, and Beauty and the Beast became good friends. 
narrative text beauty and the beast

Then one day, the Beast asked the girl to be his wife.  Taken by surprise, Beauty did not know what to say. Marry such an ugly monster? She would rather die! But she did not want to  hurt the feelings of one who, after all, had been kind to her. And she remembered too that she owed it her own life as well as her father's.   

"I really can't say yes," she began shakily. "I'd so much like to..." The Beast interrupted her with an abrupt gesture.   

"I quite understand! And I'm not offended by your refusal!" Life went on as usual, and nothing further was said. 

One day, the Beast presented Beauty with a magnificent magic mirror. When Beauty peeped into it, she could see her family, far away.   

"You won't feel so lonely now," were the words that accompanied the gift. Beauty stared for hours at her distant family. Then she began to feel worried. One day, the Beast found her weeping beside the magic mirror.   

"What's wrong?" he asked, kindly as always.               

"My father is gravely ill and close to dying! Oh, how I wish I could see him again, before it's too late!" But the Beast only shook its head.  "No! You will never leave this castle!" And off it stalked in a rage. 

However, a little later, it returned and spoke solemnly to the girl.  

"If you swear that you will return here in seven days time, I'll let you go and visit your father!" Beauty threw herself at the Beast's feet in delight.  "I swear! I swear I will! How kind you are! You've made a loving daughter so happy!" In reality, the merchant had fallen ill from a broken heart at knowing his daughter was being kept prisoner. When he embraced her again, he was soon on the road to recovery. 

Beauty stayed beside him for hours on end, describing her life at the Castle, and explaining that the Beast was really good and kind. The days flashed past, and at last the merchant was able to leave his bed. He was completely well again. Beauty was happy at last. However, she had failed to notice that seven days had gone by.  Then one night she woke from a terrible nightmare. She had dreamt that the Beast was dying and calling for her, twisting in agony.   

"Come back! Come back to me!" it was pleading. The solemn  promise she had made drove her to leave home immediately.  "Hurry! Hurry, good horse!" she said, whipping her steed onwards towards the castle, afraid that she might arrive too late. She rushed up the stairs, calling, but there was no reply. Her heart in her mouth, Beauty ran into the garden and there crouched the Beast, its eyes shut, as though dead. Beauty threw herself at it and hugged it tightly.  

"Don't die! Don't die! I'll marry you . . ." At these words, a miracle took place. The Beast's ugly snout turned magically into the face of a handsome young man.  "How I've been longing for this moment!" he said. "I was suffering in silence, and couldn't tell my frightful secret. An evil witch turned me into a monster and only the love of a maiden willing to accept me as I was, could transform me back into my real self. My dearest! I'll be so happy if you'll marry me."  The wedding took place shortly after and, from that day on, the young Prince would have nothing but roses in his gardens. And that's why, to this day, the castle is known as the Castle of the Rose.

Mar 4, 2016

Procedure Text

Procedure adalah teks yang berisi penjelasan tentang cara melakukan sesuatu dengan urutan tertentu. Teks ini disebut juga instruksi (instruction).

Procedure biasanya kita temukan pada buku resep, buku petunjuk, atau pada buku eksperimen sains.

Ciri-ciri teks procedure sebagai berikut.
  • Menggunakan kata perintah ( imperative verb )
  • Terdapat urutan langkah-langkah yang harus dilakukan, baik dengan memberi nomor urut maupun dengan menggunakan kata first, second, then, next, finally.
  • Menggunakan simple present tense. 

·    - 3 – 4 spoonful of flour
·    - 2 eggs
·    - 1 ½ (250 ml) of milk
·    - 1 stick of butter
·    - 1 mixing bowl
·    - 2 table spoons
·    - 2 cups
·    - 1 small pan
PROCEDURE :  1. Put the flour in the bowl.  2. Put milk in a cup.  3. Make sure it's 250 ml of milk.  4. Put the milk in the bowl.  5. Break the 2 eggs into the bowl.  6. Mix it with a spoon.  7. Heat up the pan and put the butter  8. Put the mix in the pan.  9. Let the pancake mix cook about 5 minutes 10. Flip pancake over when the top is brown.  11. Your pancake its ready to be serve

Recount Text

Recount text adalah teks yang menceritakan kembali kejadian atau pengalaman di masa lalu. Tujuan penulisan recount adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca.

Teks ini berfokus pada series of events atau rangkaian peristiwa yang biasanya tersusun secara kronologis. Contoh teks recount misalnya catatan harian (diary) dan biografi.

Perhatikan contoh teks berikut !
                                                                                Holiday in Pasir Kencana Beach

Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we rode our bikes to Pasir Kencana Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there.
After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people there. It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we were many miles down the beach.

Before we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we were sitting on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.

When we finally made it back home, we were both totally exhausted! But we learned some good lessons that day.

Secara umum ciri-ciri recount sebagai berikut.
  • Terdapat series of events atau rangkaian peristiwa
  • Disusun secara kronologis
  • Tidak ada konflik ataupun penyelesaian masalah
  • Menggunakan past tense
  • Action verb, misalnya we laughed and sang.

Mar 3, 2016

Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text (teks deskriptif) adalah teks yang isinya menggambarkan sesuatu atau seseorang secara spesifik.

Topik karangan deskriptif biasanya berisi tentang sifat – sifat, ciri-ciri, dan deskripsi rinci yang berhubungan dengan pokok bahasan.

Contoh Descriptive Text Tentang Suatu Tempat (About Place) :

The Eiffel Tower
   The Eiffel Tower is an iron lattice tower located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable structures in the world. The tower is the tallest building in Paris and the most-visited paid monument in the world; millions of people ascend it every year. Named for its designer, engineer Gustave Eiffel, the tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World's Fair.

  The tower stands 324 metres (1,063 ft) tall, about the same height as an 81-story building. Upon its completion, it surpassed the Washington Monument to assume the title of tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 41 years, until the Chrysler Building in New York City was built in 1930; however, due to the addition in 1957 of the antenna, the tower is now taller than the Chrysler Building. Not including broadcast antennas, it is the second-tallest structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

   The tower has three levels for visitors. Tickets can be purchased to ascend, by stairs or lift, to the first and second levels. The walk to the first level is over 300 steps, as is the walk from the first to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by elevator. Both the first and second levels feature restaurants.

    The tower has become the most prominent symbol of both Paris and France, often in the establishing shot of films set in the city.
Source : wikipedia